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How to use epoxy floor paint is the best result.

发布时间:2019-07-12 15:49  来源:未知

Now epoxy floor paint has been widely used in industrial buildings, parking lots and large warehouse floor construction, mainly to prevent wear and anti-static effect, which is also our customers in the pursuit of results, therefore, in the early days, the price of epoxy floor paint is not expensive, once known as the profitable industry, but with the industrial floor. With the continuous development of paving construction technology, more and more people know this technology, because this technology is difficult to master, so in recent years there have been many layers of construction enterprises.

As prices continue to decrease, many customers believe that floor paint is like ordinary floor paint, just bought back can be brushed several times. In fact, it is easy to peel off after a few gentle rubs on ordinary floor paint. Although floor paint can also be brushed directly on the floor, the effect will be better than ordinary floor paint, but if it is convenient to brush on the floor, then it will not play a practical role in the epoxy floor paint, without any experience. Treated floor paint, polished epoxy primer brush as epoxy floor paint is a different world, the former is not our imagination of wear and tear compression effect.

In fact, the best method of using epoxy floor coating should be made according to the construction technology of industrial floor, which is the most economical and practical, and it is common in the construction process.

1. Surface treatment, polishing surface, treatment of dust and impurities on the ground, keep the ground clean;

2. Roll the bottom oil to improve the adhesion between the coating and the substrate.

3. Scraping mortar coating, which is mainly influenced by compression.

4. Batch scraping putty to improve the adhesion of coatings and surface coatings;

5. Paint, brush surface coating or trowel scraping floor paint, can also be sprayed surface coating or surface slip process.


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